Partner with an Experienced Leader in Mission-Critical Nuclear Measurement Solutions
Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR), and advanced Small Modular Reactor (SMR) projects require experienced partners with the expertise, proven product reliability, and design/manufacturing experience to run their reactors as safely and efficiently as possible. Reuter-Stokes is a leader in the field with 60+ years of experience in the nuclear instrumentation business and thousands of sensors installed in the field.
We develop sensors based on our decades of experience with ex-core and in-core neutron monitoring detectors and our expertise in neutron detection instrumentation. We also offer industry-leading 10B coating performance.
Our sensors meet Nuclear OEM specifications, and we specialize in customizing products for specific customer needs and applications.
As part of Baker Hughes, Reuter-Stokes benefits from cross-business collaboration, decades of experience , and integrated functions — all under one roof.
Our engineers, physicists, chemists, and materials scientists partner with leading organizations to deliver complete detection and electronics solutions.